We at South Coast Pharmacy and Medical Supply STRICLY FOLLOW the HEALTH and SAFETY PROTOCOLS set by the health authorities, such as wearing face masks, shields, and other personal protective equipment, physical distancing, and regular disinfecting, among others. Through these measures, we can ensure the safety and protection of our customers coming in and out of our store.

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3378 S Bristol St. Santa Ana, CA 92704 Phone: 714-755-7002 Fax: 714-755-7613 pharmacy@southcoastrx.com

customer-oriented. covid prepared.

We at South Coast Pharmacy and Medical Supply STRICLY FOLLOW the HEALTH and SAFETY PROTOCOLS set by the health authorities, such as wearing face masks, shields, and other personal protective equipment, physical distancing, and regular disinfecting, among others. Through these measures, we can ensure the safety and protection of our customers coming in and out of our store.

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Services We Offer

South Coast Pharmacy and Medical Supply is your reliable source for the following products and services:

Consult with a Pharmacist

Meet with our pharmacist and ask your questions in person.

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